Skating School

Welcome to ETK Skating School!

As a versatile hobby, figure skating develops e.g. coordination, mobility and speed. In Skating School we learn the skills trough play and different kind of exercises. In our Skating School you can find groups for different level skaters. You can join our groups even with no prior experience.

Registration to the new spring season is open. 

Check the best group below and register to the groups in myClub.

Please note that, when enrolling into a group, you are committed to attend that specific group and that specific date.

Luisteluryhmä jäällä

Toddlers (Taaperot) 2-3 years

Toddlers practice on ice once a week.

Sunday 11.25-11.55, Tapiola Practice Rink

Kids (Tenavat) 3-6 years

All groups are currently full.

Kids groups practice once a week on ice. At the practice the group is divided in smaller skill-based groups.

Monday 18.10-18.50 at Ilmatar Areena, Matinkylä – FULL
Tuesday 17.10-17.50 Espoonlahti Forum – FULL
Saturday 11.20-12.00 at Matinkylä Ice Rink -FULL
Sunday 11.25-12.05 Tapiola Practice Rink -FULL

Children (Koululaiset) 7-12 years

Childrens groups practice once a week on ice. At the practice the groups are divided in smaller skill-based groups.

Monday 18.10-18.50 at Ilmatar Areena, Matinkylä -FULL
Tuesday 17.50-18.30 Espoonlahti Forum -FULL
Saturday 12.10-12.50 at Matinkylä Ice Rink -Few spots left
Sunday 12.05-12.45 Tapiola Practice Rink

Youth (Nuorten harrasteryhmä) 13-17 years – FULL

The group is for 13-16 year olds, who have the basic skating skills and are eager to continue practicing once a week.

Ice Crystals (Jääkristallit)

Ice Crystals is a group for children who need some special support due to illness of disability. The group practices once a week.

Monday 18.10-18.50 Matinkylä Ilmatar Areena

Little Stars (Pienet Tähdet) 3-4 years – FULL

Little Stars practices twice a week on ice. A skater can join the group with or without prior experience of skating.

Tuesday 17.10-17.50 Espoonlahti Forum + 18.00-18.45 off ice
Sunday 11.25-12.05 Tapiola Practice Rink

Big Stars (Isot Tähdet) 4-6 years – FULL

Big Stars practices twice a week on ice on once a week off ice. To join the group a skater shoud have some prior experience from Skating school.

Tuesday 17.10-17.50 Espoonlahti Forum + 18.00-18.45 off ice
Sunday 12.05-12.45 Tapiola Practice Rink

Revontulet 7-12 years – FULL

The group is for children, who already know at least how to move forward and backward on ice.

On the first week of practice the group is divided in three on ice smallgroups and two off-ice group. All groups practice twice a week on ice and once a week off ice.

Monday 17.45-18.30 (off-ice group 1) Off ice, Ilmatar Areena
Monday 18.50-19.30, Ilmatar Areena
Saturday 9.40-10.20 (off-ice group 2) Off-ice, Ilmatar Areena
Saturday 10.40-11.20 Matinkylä Practice Rink

Multicultural groups

Espoon Taitoluisteluklubi (ETK) starts two new multicultural groups for 4-10 year old children. The groups are for children who are participating in Skating School for the first time. The groups are funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The practices are held in Matinkylä practice rink on Saturdays at 11.20-12.00
Group for 4-6 year old children
Group for 7-10 year old children
Address: Matinkylä Practise Rink, Matinkartanontie 3, 02230 Espoo.
First practices of the fall season will be held on Saturday 5.10. and the practices continue untill 14.12. There are no practices during the autumn holiday (19.10.).

This skating course is free of charge.

The number of participants is limited. Register here.

Youth 13+ years

The group is for skaters for 13 years and older. The group practices once a week.

Saturday 12.10-12.50 Matinkylä Practice Rink

Sunrise -FULL

The group is for beginner-level adult skaters. The group practices once a week.

Saturday 13.10-14.00 Matinkylä Ice Rink


The group is for mid-level adult skaters. In the group skaters know already how to move forward and backward, can glide on one foot and do basic turns and small jumps.

Monday 19.10-20.00 / 20.30 Matinkylä Ice Rink


The group is for advanced-level adult skaters.

Monday 20.10-21.00 / 20.10-21.30 Matinkylä Ice Rink

Good to know

When the enthusiasm of the skater increases, one can move up in the Skating School groups and all the way to our competing Single and Synchronized Skating groups. The coaches monitor the development of the children and can suggest moving forward on the groups.

If a skater is interested in practicing more, we recommend emailing ETK’s Skating school manager. Also if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us